1. Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life ~ in the Music department. I did an entire summer job there pounding pianos for voice students
2. There is Math in your future ~ this has proven useful to me now
3. Reading maketh a full man ~ library obviously
4. Come out of here my people ~ looks like a line from the Bible. Occupants of the room where this sign was posted were male Theology majors. Boxer shorts hung on their ceiling during Open House, a once-a-term event when ladies and gents are allowed inside each other's residence rooms
5. Don't get mad. Get even ~ etched almost inconspicously on the wall of a tiny room above the stage of the auditorium
6. Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God's ideal for His children; godliness, godlikeness is the goal to be reached ~ on a frame in a classroom where Humanities subjects are taught
7. Sardines for sale here ~ on A4 pasted in a room in the girls' dorm. The college is vegetarian. Meat and selling are forbidden
8. Whether therefore ye eat or drink do all to the glory of God ~ in the cafeteria. I trained my eyes not to wander into it whenever viand was terrible
9. I will if I could but I can't so I won't ~ in the girls' dorm manager's office; we had a Miss Minchin-type during my time there
10. Wanted: girlfriend. Contact Gremer ~ on the bulletin board in the girls' old dormitory. Gremer is to MVC as Mr. Filch is to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
11. Bawal ang nakasimangot dito (Anyone frowning is not allowed in here) ~ in the makeshift Student Government office
12. MVC: Shine on til Jesus Comes! ~ this is huge and placed above the pulpit in church
13. Stop corruption! Dissolve parliament! ~ a placard held by Red Shirts currently protesting in major shopping areas of Bangkok. They want the premier to step down
Megan and Janet host Thursday Thirteen
#5 hmmn... to me too lol
#13 I can't shop and I need to shop! grrr...
#7 they had almost everything that was forbidden yehey! =)
Here is MY Thursday 13. You'll need to scroll down below my Thursday Thunks to view them. Do stop by for a visit if you can find time. Hope your day is super.
"Time is passing--are you?"
Have a great day!
My T13: The Best Beans
Cool signs - and cool you remembered all of them.
At my college we were only allowed in the boys dorms on weekends and only at certain time too. Sounds like an interesting school.
Thanks for sharing. Happy TT!
Harriet, I wish the practical use of Math was emphasized more to me. I didn't see the benefit then :(
Alice, to get through The Hilltop nicely humor is a big help :D
Colleen and Brenda, thanks
Irishcoda, it's what I stared at while queuing for Miss Michin's signature the first time ...
Grandma, that's a good one too
Sue, there was more frequency of allowed visits to the dormitories at your college than in mine. We were given only an hour and only once every 6 months
Heather, I remember that revision of Ivana lol! I read articles about her when she was married to Trump. It's been 17 years since those leisure readings in the library. I wonder if she has gotten everything yet.
Great list. Happy t13!
(mine is not with my google account: Thurs 13 here:
<A HREF="http://http://soulcrayons.typepad.com/soulcrayons/2010/04/dazzling-dawn.html> Please Click Here For my fun post for Thurs 13</A>
Gel, thanks
Not Afraid
Susan, glad I survived