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Song from a mom's heart

Friday's Fave Five: Love will find a way
Please scroll down for Mommy Moments

Tension hovered over my week. It's related with preparations for a future endeavor, but then it's usually the way with such kind of stuff. I'm glad, like always, to reach Friday and engage in a healthy exercise of finding what is positive about the week. Once again, thank you, Susanne for Friday's Fave Five:

i. Story of strength and courage
I haven't been following the winter olympics, but the news story of figure skater Joannie Rochette made me reflect on life's beautiful attributes.

ii. This week
Final exams are going on - light work all week with lots of free time for us invigilating, not taking the finals.

iii. Cashing a check and saving it
When my gradschool transcript was released, I kept my ID card in my wallet and shifted my thoughts on stuff unrelated with studies. Maybe I was too happy to not think about research for awhile I also forgot that I still have some cash deposit left at the university. As getting back to research work got more intense this week, I remembered the money. But it is long overdue. I know claiming it two years after the deadline is ridiculous. But I was curious and I risked my face at the finance office anyway. The nice surprise? They issued me a check! No questions. No raised eyebrows. I love my alma mater :)

iv. Mango season
My workplace has hundreds of mango trees on its grounds. Branches are becoming heavy with the ripening fruits. The big boss allows us all - faculty, staff, birds and students to eat all we want. I'm busy and haven't eaten a single mango yet, but I'm enjoying the sight of pretty heels, sneakers and chirping feathers feasting on the luscious blessing.

v. A sweet theme
Mommies of the meme Mommy Moments are sharing songs they sing for or with their kids this week. Love will find a way gives me a break from hyperactiveness since CJ keeps still when it is played and he is prone to hug and kiss more than get into mischief.


Mommy Moments: Song from a mom's heart
Please scroll up for Friday's Fave Five

Songs that I sing to CJ are say, more than a few and varied, but all short, mostly improvised and sometimes off-key. Those choir-singing days seem so far away now. Suggestive of his nickname, Baby Pooh, I pick lines I love from Little Mr. Roo, and sing them to him --

Little Ceejay Pooh (Mr. Roo), Let the stars shine over you, no one knows you like I do ... Don't grow up too fast, too soon. Save some time for dreaming. Settle in, settle down let me see that sleepy yawn on your face, Close your eyes I will love you completely and always...


The entire lyrics were on a post-it note in my computer at work for a couple of years. Nowadays we listen and sing along to Love will find a way from Lion King, CJ's fave and mine too.

In a perfect world
One we've never known
We would never need to face the world alone

They can have the world
We'll create our own
I may not be brave or strong or smart
But somewhere in my secret heart

I know
Love will find a way
Anywhere I go
I'm home
If you are there beside me

Like dark turning into day
Somehow we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way

I was so afraid
Now I realize
Love is never wrong
And so it never dies

There's a perfect world
Shining in your eyes

And if only they could feel it too
The happiness I feel with you

They'd know
Love will find a way
Anywhere we go
We're home
If we are there together

Like dark turning into day
Somehow we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way

I know love will find a way

Chris hosts

Moms are sharing songs today at The Mommy Journey


jo.attalife said…
That's too true. Isn't it amazing, when we're in love we think we are consumed by love and we have felt all we can feel towards another... but when we become mothers, a whole new dimension of love is opened up to us, expanding our hearts and broadening our lives immeasurably.
Please click here for mine.
Anonymous said…
Ya sitting down. I have seen the Lion King WOOT! now why wasn't that picture in yeaterday's post. LOL. Dang the Sound of Music. I just live how sentimental you get about CJ with MM.

Hazel said…
Jo, the whole new dimension of love is probably my most favorite part about being a mom. Thanks for bringing that up.

Thom, and a personality test I took branded me a robot! Of course I keep my mommy personality out of places where I deal with hard-core machinery.
Anonymous said…
I agree. Our lives, perspectives and perceptions changes when we become parents. :)

Nice songs, I also like the Lion King soundtrack. Have a great weekend
Lisa notes... said…
I love # 3: cashing a check and saving it. Not always easy to do, but glad you can. Unlimited mangoes—enjoy! I so love all the Lion King songs. Brings back happy memories when my girls were little. Great list!
Islandsparrow said…
Yay for getting that $ - isn't that a sweet little surprise!

I love your Mommy songs - someday, in the not too distant future I hope, I'm planning to sing lots and lots of songs to my grandchildren. I can hardly wait!

Happy weekend!
I love this song too, I agree, when we became parents we changed for the better. Thanks for dropping by.

His Unfailing Love
Momgen said…
I like the song too...Great choice...Happy mommy moments...

<a href=">Mine is up</a>
Unknown said…
I found a check of my dds the other day...I am sending it to her to decide what to do with it! I am learning to like Mangoes! I love Mangoe candles! lol
Carrie said…
Even though the week was tense, I think you did a great job looking for the good in it!

WOW on the check from your alma mater - that's amazing!
Anonymous said…
Found money is such a delight! I'm glad you had no trouble getting it.

I loved Joannie's performance, and my heart went out to her.

Nothing is blooming here yet, but I am enjoying hearing about blooming flowers and fruits elsewhere.
Melli said…
Awwwww... I used to sing lots of Winnie the Pooh songs to my kids when they were little. And Sesame Street... Mr. Rogers... and just silly nursery rhyme songs. But my absolute favorite was one that my sister sang to me when I was just a little girl, and I sang it to all of my children -- and I have never heard it EVER from any other source than my sister. I don't know WHERE she got it from. Actually... now that you made me remember it, I'm off to google. But anyway... I called it the Mama Doll Song... Here's the words...

I once had a doll
that was all dressed in white
I called her/him my baby
and I held her/him tight
His eyes were so blue and
his cheeks were so red
And I loved him most of all
each time he said
Mama... Mama...
One little word he knew
Mama... Mama...
To me, it means I love you.

Isn't it SWEET?

Hazel... I just LOVE the way you find the blessings in your life!
Melli said…
Oh my GOSH! I just googled it and it WAS called the Mama Doll Song! Patti Page recorded it in 1954! And that's why my sister started singing it to ME in 1957! LOL! Thank you sO much for helping me FIND this! Amazing... :)
Anya said…
Such a LOVELY post Hazel :-)
I love it !!!!!
LOve your songs yeahhhh.....

Have a happy weekend
Susanne said…
Mommy songs are so special!

I would love a mango tree. Yummy.

How awesome about the school just making you out a cheque.
Willow said…
Oh yummy! Mangoes! Love them! And found money! Even better.

I found myself singing the same songs to my grandson that I sang to my children. I wonder if I should learn new bedtime songs.
Enjoyed your FFF. Unexpected money is always a joy!

Happy weekend!
Tetcha said…
The lyrics of those two songs are really sweet! Happy Mommy Moments! Mine is up, too! By the way, I have an award for you.
Chris said…
unique picks... love will always find a way is nice... i have heard it when my kids watched the Lion King 2
Agree... a Mother's love is truly a different level of love.

Thanks for dropping by. By the way,
Hope you can join my meme too, it's called Pixelbug weekend. This is a meme where you share how your weekend went through photos. Hope to see you this Monday.
AC said…
oh! Love will find a way is one of my daughter's fave songs these days. The first time she heard it, she loved it. Then after just a few times of listening, she already memorized it by heart. Nice pick, mommy.. And thanks fro dropping by too..=)

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