Please scroll down for Mommy Moments
Ambience of Banana Leaf
Restaurant dinners continue to be the trend for us this week. Rustic charm has always been a big hit to me and Banana Leaf's got it. Buckets of real wheat, garlic and pumpkin hang adorning the wall. Plus the sweet and sour fish and chicken with cashew nuts and mushroom are a real pleasure.

This was a gift to me two years ago. Cj is too young to be choosy with scents. He smiles playfully when I spray it on him and I laugh inwardly thinking he is a boy wearing a girl's perfume. This week we both smell the same :)
I finally dragged documents and myself down K Bank to register for online financial transactions. Spending only what I earn suits me best as I avoid debts and the convenience of sorting expenses any time of day in familiar surrounding is always welcome.
Music in the air
Whatever happened to the PA system at work? An old song was coming off it this morning. The sound led my eyes to the open gym where members of the ballroom dancing club were practising slow dance steps to You Needed Me. It was an auditory treat to think that this PA normally trumpets off announcements like "those who have INCs in Taxation 101 please proceed to...."
I browsed sites about Jane Austen, one of my favorite authors, and found this very delightful thing. The post includes instructions on how to create it. Although I'm not baking anytime soon nor am I a huge cake eater, I'm blown by the loveliness of the idea that one day I will come up with this thing of beauty on my table.
Mommy Moments: Love Language
Please scroll up for Friday's Fave Five
Based on Chris's Thursday post about love language as described by Gary Chapman, this is how Cj and I communicate our love to each other:
• Words of Affirmation. People need to hear compliments. Simple "thank you" or "you look wonderful today" is important to this people.
Cj always says, "Thank you Mommy" everytime I give him his milk. I also say "I love you, Baby Pooh" constantly, besides affirmative adjectives when he shows me his drawings (eventhough I look like a dinosaur most of the time) or shapes he forms from his blocks.
Once in the Philippines I was curious as to who Cj was playing with outside the house so I went to check. As soon as he noticed me, he stopped playing, put his hand on the back of my legs (that's all he could reach at the age of 2) and addressed his playmates, "My Mommy." At first I didn't realize that he was introducing me to his friends, but when I did, I thought I just experienced one of life's greatest pleasures!
Now that I'm taking care of Cj singlehandedly, I get to do what I never did when a caregiver was around. I would be lying if I said that on top of my official duties outside the home, domestic chores do not tire me. They certainly wear me down but when Cj does what I ask him to do like, "turn off the light, please;" "hand me the spoon, please;" "go to the computer, Ceej and please play a movie," I am thrilled and ready to face another day.
Physical Touch. People need to be hugged, touched, or sit close together.
Cj gets this love in abundance; he responds well.
Receiving Gifts. People need to receive thoughtful, not necessarily expensive, gifts.
Quality Time. People equate love with spending time with them like listening to them, walking, talking and the likes.
*sigh* As a working single mom quality time seems to be my shortcoming. But I'm working on improving the situation.

Click here for more love language
and so the Truth !!!!!
Cj is a WONDERFUL boy :-)
I can't even IMAGINE having the patience to create that cake! I CAN however imagine how YUMMY it tastes! ohhhhhh CAKE is my favorite food!
Have a great weekend Hazel! Full of QUALITY time! :)
Anya, thanks
Melli, I appreciate you pointing out quality and quantity, thank you very much. The nordic ware cathedral bundt pan to use for the cake is available on Amazon :-)
Cj sounds a cutie :) You are very lucky!
And that cake? Oh my word. It is beautiful to behold.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your son!
Cyberbanking is the best--you'll be glad you went through the hassle to register for it.
Hope you have a great weekend!
I like JLo Live too. Lovely scent.
Carrie, glad you thought the same about the introduction bit :)
Lisa, thanks for your thoughts on cyberbanking, and I will surely post pictures if I made that cake. If it's possible to DHL slices to FFF friends I will too:)
ellen, thank you very much
Thom, I wish I could keep work waist-level all the time then I'd be more free to do other things I'd like to do. You're right the FFF wasn't on this post early on Friday, but I've decided to publish all memes of the same day in one post.
Now... man cologne already at 5? Upon my word, the boy still has milk on his lips.... lol!!!
Brenda, your imagination of Banana Leaf is right
Susanne, sometimes I think this JLo live smells like melted sugar :)
My late entry
Yes 5 might be too early. But it sure beats smelling like a woman or milk for that matter LOL.
And such sweet moments between you and CJ.
Happy weekend!
Jac, sarap nga'ng pakinggan kahit thank you lang ano? :)
Thom, you're right about losing some readers but it's ok because it's like this - Mommy Moments goes off Friday morning here in SE Asia, and Friday's Fave Five in the afternoon towards evening (morning or noon in the US). I post MM first then FFF later in the day because most of the time I can't complete both memes at once. I 'sandwich' blogging with work :) but I guess I am living in a time zone that suits my blogging pace and the times memes are published from their host country. And I'm just laughing again at a man's cologne beating milk scent or mommy's perfume rofl!
Laura, thanks a lot. a great weekend to you too.