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Books and roses

Friday's Fave Five: Valentine Edition
Please scroll down for Mommy Moments

Celebrating valentine's day without a romantic date is nothing new to me. What's relatively new is having Ceejay as my valentine date for two years now. It keeps getting better and this year it's even all that I wanted it to be and more. My faves this week are all about this year's love day.

How to be a Gentleman 101
The idea is to begin lessons on giving gifts to ladies other than Mommy or Grandma Philippines and Grandma Thailand. We hadd it simple but sweet: roses for my friend Chett. I was thrilled that Cj followed instructions and Chett was happy to receive the roses.

Red roses and a long, blue & white dress
I thought the blooms were riotous and I enjoyed looking at them. I also finally wore the dress I almost forgot existed in my wardrobe. Bought a year ago, it was lucky to have served its purpose on hearts day.

Little preferences for the day
The original plan was lunch at Fuji and then dessert at Cafe de Tu, but since Chett took along her niece, Gyanna who wanted chips, and Cj wanted the same, we went to Mos instead. What's important was we allowed the kids their choice. No Mommyish law to eat vegetables. Complete sanction to eat what they wanted.

A bookish valentine
We took five escalators up people-watching at the same time, past the Lamborghini and Porsche galleries towards Kinokuniya, a large bookstore inside Siam Paragon. Grand time amidst literature!

Bubbly laughter
Chett and I left Gyanna and Cj alone for a bit while we looked around for some light dinner before going home. About five steps away, I saw Gyanna covering her face with her hands and then flashing Cj a wide grin saying, 'hah!" I loved what I observed: they were both laughing. Gyanna is a sweet, adorable girl. Her vivacious personality worked well with Cj's shyness. This was my happiest moment.

Susanne hosts

See more faves at Living to Tell the Story


Mommy Moments: Roses and books
Please scroll up for Friday's Fave Five

On Valentine's eve I took Ceejay out buying roses. I told him that one was for Mommy and the three were for Auntie Chett. I was teaching him how he, as a soon-to-be-young man is supposed to act during love day. I heard myself saying flowers, Ceej are given by gentlemen to lovely ladies. While watching me remove the thorns he rehearsed, for Mommy... for Auntie Chett.

The notorious Bangkok traffic got even more intense on valentine's day with the Chinese new year celebrations. But we braved the jam and I didn't mind that it took almost forever to reach Siam Paragon. I was so glad Ceejay wasn't shy this time and actually handed the roses to Chett. On Facebook Chett commented, "made my day...."

Then we proceeded to our favorite haunt: Kinokuniya

Books, roses and a little guy learning how to treat women nicely: this was my idea of a fabulous valentine.

Chris hosts

See little valentines at The Mommy Journey


Anonymous said…
Awww he's learning well. And I'm so glad he wasn't shy. :) Great pictures and a fun post. Just show him his future seat on the bicycle if he forgets his manners. LOL
anne said…
he is learning well because u taught him so well hehehe nice entry by the way here's mine thanks thanks
Cecile said…
good job teaching your son good manners :-)and how to be a gentleman.
Michelle said…
He is adorable.A true Gentleman :)
What a great post.
AC said…
aww... it's so nice of you mommy... ikaw ha, you're teaching him na how to make ligaw.. LOL! I will do the same when God bless us with a son.. =)
Anonymous said…
Lucky lady your son will meet someday, he's got early training. We love Kinokinuya in Malaysia also. But its a mouthful so they call it "kino" there. :)
Jac said…
I'm agree with mommy Ces! good job teaching your son good manners. he's so sweet =)
Happy weekend!!
Momgen said…
hehhheh cute naman hope my son like that hehehe. happy mommy moments...

mine is up
Melli said…
Ohhhhhhhh I LOVE it! Sounds like Valentine's Day was just a little piece of Heaven for you! And it is wonderful you are TEACHING Ceejay how to treat a lady! That IS important! (I'm still teaching my youngest - and he's 20!) LOL! I also taught my daughters how to expect to BE treated by a gentleman! Set the bar HIGH I say!

Have a great weekend Hazel!
Susanne said…
I love the sweet, spontaneous laughter of children! You are training CJ well, Momma. Some girl will be very thankful you took the time! :v)

Sweet dress.
Carrie said…
Good job on teaching your boy how to be a little man! =) That's very sweet. He looks very into it also, which is great to see!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend with him!
Jerralea said…
How awesome you are teaching CJ about how to treat a lady! Wish all moms did that!

Sounds like you all had a wonderful day!
Marice said…
thats nice sis! you are teaching the right thing at his young age :)

have a happy weekend!
u may view mine here
Lisa notes... said…
Glad you and Ceejay had a great Valentine’s. He will always be true to you. I like the “no Mommyish law to eat vegetables.” Lots of laughter—always a favorite!
Anya said…
Lovely ROMANTIC post
and Wow!! you received beautiful roses from your big boy :-)

Have a wonderful weekend :-)
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)
Jewel said…
Sounds like it was wonderful!
Brenda said…
Sounds like you had a wonderful Valentines Day. Its always fun to find a dress in the back of your closet that you have forgotten about.
Willow said…
How wise you are to start now teaching CJ how to treat women well. And you'll benefit, too!

Great Fave Five!
ellen b. said…
Looks and sounds like you all had an enjoyable time. It sounds like you are teaching your son well...
Chris said…
he looks so sweet here1!! :D happy mommy moments!
Kero said…
aaaw. you sure are teaching how to be a real gentleman. great work, Momi!

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