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Draining the ocean dry!

Then Sings My Soul Satudays: The Love of God
Please scroll down for Small Talk Six

If I went home and looked for that old songbook I could still probably find it. My mother owns it, (a gift shipped in from the US) but unlike the rest of her music-related collection, a footnote in it got my attention. It's been many years since I read it but it amazes me every time I hear or play The Love of God. It was about the origin of the last paragraph - someone wrote it on the wall of an asylum:

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.

This is a piano version of the song. Here's wishing everyone love, in a way that's best for you.

Amy Wyatt hosts

There are more wonderful music at Signs, Miracles and Wonders


Small Talk Six: Six Love Songs That Make You Melt
Please scroll up for Then Sings My Soul Saturdays

1. You - Karen Carpenter

2. All My Life - America

3. You Decorated My Life - Kenny Rogers

4. I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You - Marc Anthony and Tina Arena

5. O Promise Me - Clement W. Scott (lyrics)

I might splurge on my dreams, go Anne Shirley of Green Gables if I made a second attempt down the aisle (ok, not exactly second because the first time I squatted for hours in front of nine chanting monks) and have this sung, or I'll play this on the piano myself!

6. Speak Softly Love - Andy Williams

KarenC hosts More love songs at Mom dot


Katie said…
I'm sad to say I don't know a lot of those songs, but I'm going to go check them out!
Hazel said…
Katie, it's because they are all old except perhaps no. 4 which is a bit modernish, but then I must be sooo behind the times lol! But it's okay, they all make me melt :)
Heidi said…
We posted 2 very different lists of love songs. It's nice to know that there's such a variety of music in the world!
MsRay said…
The piano version of The Love of God is beautiful. I've been playing it over and over again. Thanks for sharing.

The Godfather is one of my all-time favorite movies. I am reminded of Don Vito Corleone while listening to your music. LOL!
dtbrents said…
Thank you for sharing the songs. I love the picture and the music. Doylene
Hazel said…
TOSHeidi, doesn't it make music sound more interesting?

MsRay, it is, yes, the reason why I posted it. I just can't remember if I ever watched The Godfather.

Doylene, you're welcome.
I am Harriet said…
Pretty much anything Carpenter does it to me...

Have a great day!
Skoots1moM said…
great line up...
love the kitty and the music!
Peggy said…
ahhhhh Blessings Hazel!!! So soothing and such an aMazing LOVE...The Love of God! Beautiful reminder of His love (love the kitty too). Look at these words that tell us God's love is so beyond what we can comprehend,
unfathomable, and so unfailing! How precious is this!

To hear the piano play this tune was such a peace. I tried to remember this song but didn't. However, most of the songs in your Small Talk Six I do remember. How fun!

Thanks for your kind and sweet words for me this day. They have uplifted me. Do you play piano?
I think I remember you saying you did...can you play these pieces?

Such LOVE spoken softly and expressed through whispers of each key in harmony and beauty. EnJOY a special Valentine weekend!
visiting from TSMSS... I love the song you picked out... one of my favorite! just so beautiful!
Anonymous said…
WOW...yet another new theme. I see you found your purple LOL. Glad you did. Great songs. I know of 1, 2, 3 and 6. 4 and 5 I don't know at all. Great videos my friend :) Have a wonderful Saturday :)
Shan G said…
The only two songs I can't remember are the first two. LOL And I grew up hearing Karen Carpenter daily because my Mom loved her so much.

Off to google...
Alexandra said…
I love Kenny Rogers!!! I didn't even think of him when I was making my list! :( bummer there are just to many great songs!
Hazel said…
Harriet, oh you're a Carpenter fan. Lovely!

skoots1mom, thanks

Peggy, I do or I used to play the piano. I think my finger joints need oiling or something. It's been awhile I haven't touched a piano. A special valentine to you too.

Elizabeth, glad to know it's a favorite of yours

Thom, I thought since I lost my sidebar widgets so suddenly yesterday, I might as well find my purple :))

babyrocasmom, my mother loves Karen too! It's probably why I love her too.

Beth Larrabee, ah that's a vote now for no. 4 :)

Alexandra, I didn't think of so many beautiful artists when I made my list. I think 6 is never enough for many of us, but well, STS :)
Anya said…
Wishing you a Valentine's Day
filled with love
and the tender sound
of a voice that gives you comfort.....

Happy Valentine's Day :-)

((hugs)) Kareltje =^.^=

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