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Random destiny

Musical Monday: Destiny
Monday Mayhem follows

Vanessa Mae. We share the same second name. Her biological father is Thai. So is my son's. I love violin music. The coincidence that fascinates me is Vanessa Mae's birthday which is the same as Paganini's. Her music style, the self-described violin techno-acoustic fusion, is a sassy alternative to my orientation: that somber air around my soprano mother's careworn solo part of Sanctus. It's the new year and it's great to have an alternative. The tempo moves me too. I hope you enjoy Destiny today as much as I do.

Amanda @ Bloggin with Amanda hosts Musical Monday

XmasDolly of XmasDolly, Lori of Shewbridges of Central Florida, Larry of Cakeblast, and Callie of JAmerican Spice host Monday's Music Moves Me

Denise @ Run DMT hosts Music Monday Blog Hop


Monday Mayhem: All about random questions

1. Are you through with all of the stress associated with the Holidays and the New Year? I'm OK with being back to routine now.

2. What is the stupidest thing about New Year's resolutions? Making them over the incoherence of new year's booze. The resolve sparkles and exits with the belch.

3. We hear that Michael Vick has been given the use of a car in return for promoting a car dealership. Would you ever buy a car from that dealership? (in case you don't know about Vick, check out Wikepedia- you may need to scroll down a bit) Hmm I drink coke, I wear Nike, I used to drive Toyotas and ride on Mercedes Benzes, above all I LOVE DOGS. You can bet this canine killer's Nissan Armada I am going to buy that second-hand BMW when I survive PhD torture.

4. Do you think that eating too many carrots turns the skin orange? The thought did not cross my mind

5. Have you ever witnessed someone stealing from a store? no

6. What is the worst thing you can say to a bus driver? If there is any, I don't want to say it

7. What grosses you out about feet? dirt

8. The highlight of your perfect day would be what? Getting a positive feedback from some U's faculty of humanities

Harriet hosts Monday Mayhem


Stacy Uncorked said…
I really enjoyed that! She is an AMAZING violin player, isn't she? Thanks for sharing - loved it! :)

MMMM: To the Sky
Hazel said…
Yes she is. Glad you enjoyed it :)
Run DMT said…
Ooooooo I really like this! I could run to this! Her violin talent is amazing! And she's gorgeous too!

Thanks for sharing this, mama! Love it!
Colette S said…
Wow. This is beautiful music. I love the combination!

I enjoyed this. I love finding new music!

Glad you are dancing with us today. :)
That is an amazing song! I only wish the video focused more on Vanessa playing because she is awesome!
I like your answers to Monday Mayhem also. I will NEVER buy whatever car Michael Vick is endorsing - I love dogs more than I love any car and I hate what he did more!
Thanks for always playing along, can't wait to see what you have next Monday... have a great week.
I am Harriet said…
LOVE LOVE LOVE your answer to #3!!!!!

Thanks for playing!
Have a great week!
Unknown said…
Hi Hazel - I'm visiting after seeing you on the Love Train! Fabulous blog :)

XmasDolly said…
What a beautifully talented girl. That young lady is goin' places I'd say. To put together classical musical with pop is fabulous. What a great pick. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for playing along today. Sure hope you come back next week too.
Joanie said…
I think strings are my favorite type of musical instruments. Violins, cellos, banjos. This violin is great!!!
Classic NYer said…
I'm loving how she makes the violin so edgy.
Amanda Moore said…
what an amazing talent thanks for sharing her with us I need to look her up on youtube!

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