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Treat from the sky

Bangkok is in a state of emergency. I tried shopping yesterday but could not because protests have shut down major malls. There are no signs that anything's going to be resolved soon. As I am right where the action is I am hoping that my travel plans won't be affected. Meanwhile the rest of us are still working normally and that's a lot to be thankful for. I am also happy for other blessings:

Treat from the sky
Monday night it rained, saving me extra AC cost. Tuesday night a full moon was visible. Due to light pollution it's not every night that city residents get to see a sky adorned with a smiling heavenly body.

Helping each other
Sorting taxes is beyond me honestly, but some colleagues are good at it and willing to do it for me. In return I do something for them they'd rather not; like write the institute boss' speech around time constraints for research. Tension was high but when it was over it was hilarious how we were all in a dither while the boss just extended his hand for the folder that contained his speech and went on addressing the audience like a surgeon would go about in an operating theatre, expecting a nurse assistant to know which instrument to put into his hand. I just love cooperation that results in a positive working relationship.

"Jesus is gold"
It's what Cj said when he saw an image of Jesus on a clip I was watching. Kids. But well, the Man is, isn't He?

Hitting two birds with one stone
I got my 90-day report done while having a re-entry permit stamped on my passport. With terrible traffic, travel to the Immigration is stressful since its office has been moved so far away. There's also a crowd to wrestle once there. It's quite a relief to accomplish two requirements for a single fatigue.

A meeting that turned out well
The usual drab meetings, ouch. I'd be more thrilled with fast and clean execution of orders over minimal drama. This week's faculty meeting is just fab. Cambridge experts graced it. Professional woes were heard.

~Share what you love about your week with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story~


ellen b. said…
I hope things settle down around you soon. It's good that you can continue to work. Yippee for the rain and clear skies. Glad you could enjoy that. Jesus is Gold!! Love it :0)
Have a great weekend.
Melissa said…
Yes, being able to work normally is indeed a wonderful thing. And what an insightful remark from CJ!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. The purple flowers are hyacinths. I know it's hard to tell from the angle of my photo; usually we see them from the side, not the top.

Blessings to you!
Hazel said…
Ellen, I hope so too, thanks.
Susanne said…
Praying all the protests come to a peaceable solution and things settle down for you guys over there. It must be nerve wracking.

How awesome you have co workers you can trade unpleasant jobs with. That's a win-win for both of you.

CJ's comment is so sweet!
Hazel said…
Melissa, oh... hyacinths! Thanks.

Susanne, that's the term: win-win! The protests worry me although I try not to be. Thanks for the prayer.
Anonymous said…
I hope it all settles down there for you real soon. I like your hitting two birds with one stone. Well done. :) Great week and have a great weekend :)
Anonymous said…
I feel awful, but I had not watched or listened to any news lately and I did not know about the protests. How terrible. I hope things settle down soon.

It's neat you can trade off working on taxes and projects, and so good that it all came together well.

I am glad you got your business taken care of -- dealing with any government agency can be a trial. And I am glad your meetings went well.
Mary said…
First time visitor; will have to go back and read the rest of your posts! Sounds like quite a headache with immigration. Must be a bear to go through!
Love Cj's comment! Kida are great.

And your cooperation story and great meetings are real work blessings.

Take care, and I do hope things start to settle down in your corner of the world.

Happy weekend.
Hazel said…
Thom, it was quite a relief to be able to have done that.

Barbarah and Brenda, that's true; such is life in a foreign country

Mary, thanks for the visit. Nice to meet you :)

Laura, thank you
Chubskulit Rose said…
Hope everything will be okay at your end sis..
Hazel said…
Thank you sis. We're alright; just couldn't shop :)
Anya said…
Oh oh oh
no shopping for you :(
We need that SHOPPING :))))
Hugs for CJ from Kareltje =^.^=

Hava a happy weekend !!
Willow said…
I loved your description of coworker cooperation in getting your boss's speech to him just in time! Reading the asianews article, I'm amazed that you are so calm. Be safe in the turmoil! Tell CJ, Yes, Jesus IS Gold! Have a safe weekend!
Hazel said…
Anya, now I suppose I'll pass shopping for awhile

Willow, I will :) and thanks
Ebie said…
Just like here, at the Phil. Consulate, there is always a lone line. Did I tell you they close for lunch, while those senior citizens wait?
Hazel said…
Oh... those poor senior citizens.

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