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Sunday Stealing: The Baker's Meme
Scroll down for Our Weekend Memoirs

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger named Reymos at the blog My World is Getting Smaller Every Day. He states he got it from Carl Dorsey at Iron Cook: American. (and Carl stated it was written by Thomas Baker, thus today's title). But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Note: There were a bunch of rules and mandates that we were suppose to give but Bud lost them. Or hid them, either way it is his bad.

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. If you could interview anyone on your blog (alive or dead) who would you chose and why? Perhaps JA. I want to know what she thinks of the evolution of her fave subject

2. What do you feel is your strength as a blogger? answering memes (lol)

3. Can you share a little bit about yourself that you have not already mentioned on your blog? I am brainlessly managing a ballistic digital divide right now

4. If you were forced to change the name of your blog, what would you change it to? Why? Something that reflects what I want to keep blogging about

5. What do you think is the most fulfilling part of being a blogger? reading myself

6. What would you do with your last day if you found you had only one more day to live? Spend it with loved ones

7. You’ve been doing medical research for decades and have finally found a cure. What was it that you found a cure for and why did you choose this particular ailment? a cure for neurosis, a neurotic speaking

8. What is your most guilty pleasure? late night thrills

9. Answer only one. What is your favorite book, movie or TV show? too constricting duh

10. What do you think is the very best smell in the world? The one smell that can take you back to a time and place of a very vivid memory in your past? I forgot the name of that scent but once a well-dressed guy walked by me in a hotel lobby and the smell wafting was exactly the perfume a date wore some 17 years ago. I mentally whirled.

Bud Weiser hosts Sunday Stealing


Our Weekend Memoirs: Sunflower Field

So the Pacman and Margarito match went down in history. That was all the signal we needed to get cracking towards the sunflower field in Saraburi. The sun was at its brightest.

Along the road we made a stop at a stand selling big sugar apples.

We were practically spilling out of the car like beans from a sack when we arrived. Tractors would take tourist to the middle of the field for 10 baht per head. Here the ohs, ahs, wows, and whoas were starting....

I have never been this happy and thrilled with nature in quite awhile!

Big Miss Sunshine


Ebie and Arlene
host Our Weekend Memoirs.


Tami Winbush said…
Happy Sunday Stealing!
Hazel said…
Happy SS to you too, Tami.
Anonymous said…
Nice SS answers! Lovin' em.

LGS xx
Hootin Anni said…
#3............umm, say what?

I'm blond. Dunno diddly squat what that meant. LOLOLOL

link to my sunday stealing

Chris said…
hello hazel! :D reading your entry to SS!
Hazel said…
Hi there LGS, thanks :)

Anni, that's ok lol!

Hi Chris, thanks for dropping by
I am Harriet said…
I wish there was a cure for that. I'm liking your pictures!

Have a great day!
Hazel said…
Harriet, maybe there is but people are just too neurotic to deal with it :D
Like your responses, but loved you photos. How beautiful!
Hazel said…
Take Jill to the place, Bud. She'll love it :)
Clarissa said…
Ang ganda ng place na yan,Mommy Hazel at ang panahon,so sunny!Looks like everybody had a blast picture taking and nature tripping^_^Love your smile dear!
Ebie said…
If only I have enough time, I like to do Q&A memes.

You ladies wore pretty outfits with matching hats!
Hazel said…
Clarissa, yeah the place is just awesome. Come over and be thrilled yourself.

Ate Eb, your photos speak volumes already.

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