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a la Randomness

Our Weekend Memoirs: Palenke de Saraburi
Please scroll down for Sunday Stealing

Those sunflowers I posted on Tuesday's My World meme was a bit of a long, full Sunday I had with friends last weekend. I'm sharing snapshots on an installment basis as parts of the day held different descriptions.

We went out to explore Saraburi Market in the morning. It was windy and our hats were in danger of being blown off our heads. We wandered between stalls and found strings to fix the flying hat situation. There! 3 baht a piece and the hats stay put.

Manao taw rai ka?
(How much is the lemon?)This is our Pacman-Margarito breakfast. Munch, swallow, brace for the punches. Now if I could have the abs of those cheerleader trio I would be glad to skip this yumminess.
But I don't so I'll settle for a low pitch Philippine national anthem. I wonder who is she....
Pacquiao and Margarito are not roosters jabbing each other's guts out, but neither can I stand blood sport. It was quite a relief when the match was over.

Ebie and Arlene host Our Weekend Memoirs


Sunday Stealing: Questions a la Randomness, A Meme

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger named Kimmy from the blog The Smug Cloud. She doesn't state where it came from. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all of us thieves!

What was the last thing you put in your mouth? cappuccino

How late did you stay up last night and why? a quarter past 12

If you could move somewhere else, would you? in a heart beat

Have you ever been kissed under fireworks? no

Do you believe ex’s can be friends? yes

When was the last time you cried really hard? duh... can't remember. I'm not a crying type

What items could you not go without during the day? water

Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? a cousin who gave birth

How do you feel about your life right now? saint-like (I just watched HP7, I)

If we were to look in your facebook inbox, what would we find? unread messages

Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? with flying colors

Has anyone ever called you perfect before? yes

Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m.: who do you want it to be? pizza delivery

Do you think too much or too little? somewhere in between

Do you believe in fairy tales? of course

Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? no

What’s the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated? 3 years my junior

Have you ever been on a blind date? no

Do you have any friends that you’ve known for 10 years or more? yes

Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? no

What song do you want played at your funeral? Be Thou the Glorious Answer to All My Questionings

Would you tell your parents if you were gay? if it won't give them a heart attack I would

What would your last meal be before getting executed? you

Do you walk around the house naked? when I do I'll let you know

What do you do as soon as you walk in the house? whatever I fancy

Who is the person you can count on the most? at the end of the day - myself

What is your favorite Holiday? a blue sky holiday

Would you ever get plastic surgery? I'd rather spend the money on travel

Have you ever caught a fish? no

What is the first thing you notice about people? eye expression

What is the farthest you’ve been from home? 14 hours on an airbus

How did you meet your spouse or significant other (or most recent one)? thru my boss

Where was the last place you drove (other than home/school/work)? mall

Bud Weiser hosts Sunday Stealing


EJ said…
That fish looks inviting.

Our weekend Memoirs
Chubskulit Rose said…
I love your hat sis, and the fish.. I am drooling lol.

Hootin Anni said…
No thanks, when you do walk around naked, I don't need to know. LOLOLOL

Here is my link for Sunday Stealing I do hope you can find time to visit!!!
Hazel said…
John, yummy it was

Buli yan sis hahahaha
Hazel said…
Anni, that's what you get for asking crazy questions LOL!
I am Harriet said…
Pizza delivery at 2am works for me!

Have a great day!

Join us for Monday Mayhem!
I didn't know they gave "flying colors" if you pass a drug test. I should give it a whirl! :)
Ebie said…
Sus, galaway man ko sa isda ug sawsawan. I am not really into watching bloody fights, but Pacman has brought such fame to the Phils.
Sarap naman ng "Party Food" nyo! :)

Our Weekend Memoirs
Hazel said…
Do give it a whirl Bud :)

Mao Ate Eb, sawsawan nalang ato ani, sigi rag kadaug si pacman :D

yep, sarap yan willa

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