Musical Monday: Love is the answer
Please scroll down for Monday Mayhem
Last time I checked, my civil status hasn't shrouded my perception of what is smile-inducing. Before signing those papers, I used to play this song while speeding on expressways. I may not completely agree that love is the answer to everything, but I certainly believe the tune helps fight off boredom on the steering wheel, even now that there's no wheel to steer and I'm using legs to go mobile. I cherish the pleasant; bury the b******. The thought moves me.
Please scroll down for Monday Mayhem
Last time I checked, my civil status hasn't shrouded my perception of what is smile-inducing. Before signing those papers, I used to play this song while speeding on expressways. I may not completely agree that love is the answer to everything, but I certainly believe the tune helps fight off boredom on the steering wheel, even now that there's no wheel to steer and I'm using legs to go mobile. I cherish the pleasant; bury the b******. The thought moves me.
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Monday Mayhem: Write that headline
Please scroll up for Musical Monday
Each of the following headlines appeared on Your task is simple: re-write the headline in as many words as the original headline was written. Enjoy!
Israeli cult leader charged with enslavement, rape
Your 7-word headline: Jesus mutant redefines Harriet Beecher Stowe's precepts
Your 7-word headline: Too much slamming wipes out hairy crisis
Officials: Don't sweat the warm weather
Your 6-word headline: Spectator bloods curdle in warm snow
Your 5-word headline: Posing nude licks self esteem
Teen suspected of approaching Olympics air space in stolen plane
Your 10-word headline: Authorities reckon teen needs to place intelligence on unrestricted space
Your 6-word headline: Guitar Man: silent twitting does it
Your 6-word headline: My horse will outrun yours
Harriet hosts
love it.
Thanks for playing!
Thank you, Kelly and Moore
Thom and Harriet, I read her wikipedia page ops.... :))
Thanks for visiting for MM! Have a great week! :-)
Run, it must be the result of my Sunday overshot :))