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Vent and graduate

Music Monday: Pomp and Circumstance by Edward Elgar
Monday Mayhem follows

School. Your imagination must have gone rainbow-colored what with everything that school life is. Let me cut to the chase - it's great to graduate.

This post is linked with:

XmasDolly of XmasDolly, Lori of Shewbridges of Central Florida, Larry of Cakeblast, and Callie of JAmerican Spice

Denise @ Run DMT hosts Music Monday Blog Hop

Monday Mayhem: Ticked off
Welcome to Monday Mayhem. This is indeed the coolest place to be on a Monday. Today we are going to share what ticked us off about. What a great way to vent! Be sure to have fun!

1. What made ticked off the most yesterday? a headache

2. What ticks you off about your local mail service? Hollow parcels. And as if it's not jarring enough the letter that tells you what to expect in the parcel arrives slashed. That's corruption, third-world style.

3. What ticks you off about the opposite sex? Some of them 'care too much' they invade  privacy, threaten independence and ruin plans. 

4. What ticks you off about eating out? Lack of coordination between servers and chefs or is it zero understanding or deliberate ignoring of a request? In the land of chili patches, this scenario is normal:

Guest: pointing to the food on the menu, mai sai prik, dai mai ka? (is it possible not to have chili in it?)
Server: Nods and says dai ka (yes, it's ok)

Minutes later your food comes wafting to your table all biting red with hot-as-hell peppers. Btw, you can't, nor are you supposed to return it. They think it's your fault.

5. What ticks you off about the internet? When it goes off and the provider does not fix it right away. I mean hello... the clock is ticking and you are charging me.

6. What famous person really ticks you off? That pinched nerve in the House of Representatives. She doesn't tick me off. I just wasn't frowning either when the Justice Department placed her on the immigration watch list. Ouch.

7. What ticks you off about people on the road? Unnecessary honking of horns

8. Name something about politicians that ticks you off. Suddenly they need an urgent medical procedure when trial is in the offing or a conviction is imminent.

9. Tell us about a story you have recently heard that really ticked you off. Snooty and ignorant is about a little, cross-eyed ghostwriter naively tweeting how the white wine at a state dinner sucks and that she is asked to edit the president's speech while she is buying make-up. Now I shouldn't be embarrassed to visit Vietnam.

10. Are you feeling less ticked off now? You were right. It was good to vent. I had fun.

More mayhem at Harriet's Monday Mayhem


Bud Fisher said…
It is GREAT to vent!
Cathy Kennedy said…
Venting is good for soul...sometimes. =D

Blog hopping this Monday. I hope you’ll decide to dance over to It’s Back To School {4Ms} Have a lovely week!

Your friend,
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
Hazel said…
Certainly dancing over, Miss Kennedy :)
Gigi Ann said…
Haven't heard that song in ages.

Thanks for dancing by today.
Henrietta said…
#5 - exactly and you know if it's you on the other side of that they would be right up your butt wanting payment.

Venting can be fun!
Run DMT said…
Did you graduate? I haven't been by your blog in ages! How you been, girl?

It feels good to vent, doesn't it? There are so many famous people that annoy me. I wouldn't even know where to start! Maybe alphabetically? By last name or first?
Run DMT said…
Oh and thanks for the MM shout out! You ROCK, mama!

The link is up!
well, i thought it was school theme this week too. that song is so fabulous, i remember my moment when i graduated.
I am Harriet said…
I know what you mean by needing your space with the opposite sex.

Thanks for playing.
Have a great day!
Colette S said…
Sometimes you just need to get it out. And I vaguely remember that feeling of graduating!

Stacy Uncorked said…
Graduating is exhilarating, isn't it? :)

It's excellent to vent - much better than keeping it all bottled up! :)

Smile, I Love This Road so Just Breathe - MMMM
XmasDolly said…
Hmmmmm That does look like fun! I'm gonna have to try that sometime. Yes, I'm curious too did you graduate? Let's us know! Love the video it just made me happy seeing all those happy faces! Thanks for playin' and hope to see you next week too! Love your blog~!
Hazel said…
@Denise and Dolly, no I haven't. At least not yet. I mean if you count Phd.

@Blogger Broadcast, we thought similarly about this week's theme. I was sure I read school for August 15th.

@Harriet, I wish he knew it too. It's getting rather tiresome (not to mention annoying) to watch my privacy fly out my porch each time....

@Jamerican Spice, has it been that awhile for you? It's great to reminisce something nice :)

@Stacy, yes it is!
Oh to be young again! I thought the theme was school too then I kept seeing freebies. Oh well. Hope you have a great week!

Monday's Music Moves Me

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