Jane Austen's World
A classic party inside! I am drawn to this promise:
"This blog brings Jane Austen, her novels, and the Regency Period alive through food, dress, social customs, and other 19th C. historical details"A good trait
Vic, the blog owner writes on "About Me"
A familiar word"...If you would like to share a new site, or point out an error, please email me. (Yes, I am fallible. I'll own up to my mistakes and will make the corrections with a polite smile on my face.)"
It's an adjective but it's also my name. James Austen Leigh, the author's nephew describes his aunt's physical attributes -
“ ... full round cheeks, with mouth and nose small and well formed, light hazel eyes, and brown hair forming natural curls close round her face.”Jane Austen: Christian Encounters by Peter Leithart
There are many Austen publications and reviews out there, but this is the first time I saw one of a book written by a christian pastor and Austen scholar at the same time. What magnets me to this review is Vic's closing comment which mirrors an inclination I have for someone with whom I have a volatile relationship: my own mother whose moral beliefs and practices often clash with mine -
"The references to Jane’s religion and Christian beliefs were interwoven into the narrative in an unobtrusive and restrained way. I had feared a lecture; what I received was enlightenment and a book I shall share with my Christian mother who is always asking me: “What is it about Jane Austen that makes you such as devotee?” Read this book, Mama, and you will understand."
Regency wedding dresses
I must be the only divorcee who is still crazy about wedding dresses lol! Ok, not exactly crazy but perhaps a better phrase would be 'like anyway and no matter what'. Admiring vintage fashion is high on my bucket. This Jane Austen's World post, as well as Social Customs During the Regency Era contain a rich list of links. Before I go hyper I think I should pause with this quote Vic included to celebrate a niece's wedding
"The handsome veil of Mechlin lace, A sister’s love bestows, It adds new beauties to her face, Which now with pleasure glows. Friends brothers sisters cousins meet, To attend the happy bride, And Queer’s joy is all complete, The nuptial knot is tied -"
Share what you love about your week with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story
I have never heard from her !!!!
Thanks for telling us :-)
Have a great weekend!
I actually just received a copy of Leithart's book on Jane Austen and it's sitting here staring at me - waiting for my attention! I'm looking forward to it!
Cool, cool post!
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
I can't start to follow those links or I'll get lost in the maze and never come out...akin to my behavior in the library or bookstore...
Enjoyed your list immensely! Happy weekend!
Ellen, what a perfect gift for a Jane Austen fan!
Carrie, have fun with Leithart's book
Melli, Vic's blog is such a joy to visit
Willow, most of the time I seem to think women only read Jane Austen, but your husband has?! How cool is that!
Lisa, it could be a great summer reading experience :)
Laura, you better not, lol! I have lost several hours of sleep in them. I wish Leithart's book was as accessible here as it is in your part of the globe, but I'll check, somewhere.