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Hazel in poetry and prose

Hazel stars
mysteriously in Mars
Hazel dances
with the czars
Flap your wings
and fly with me
We dream, we explore

-Hazel, Delineating Des

A note before we take off: The links are to acknowledge sources and that apart from them, the only thing that's mine in this post is the introductory babble above. Here's hoping the attempt didn't wreak too much damage on the magic below. Here we go -
1. An old charm for curing an adder bite requires a piece of hazelwood in the shape of a cross to be placed upon the wound, and the following lines repeated:
"Underneath this hazelin mote, There's a braggoty worm with a speckled throat,
Nine double is he, Now from eight double to seven double
And from seven double to six double and so on until:
And from one double to no double, No double hath he"
2. An essay by Megan Elizabeth Farris:
The "Ruint" Doll: Hazel's loss of innoncence in Kettle Bottom 
3. The Song of the Wandering Aengus by W.B. Yeats:
"I went out to the hazelwood, Because a fire was in my head"
4. Cad Goddeu, The Romance of Taliesen:
The hazel was arbiter at this charmed time.
5. Hazel Eyes by Gershon Hepner:
Eyes provoke a lover’s dreams whether hazel, brown or blue,
With her eyes she casts a spell–– hazel clearly suits her well.
6. Unlicensed Love by Jim Sharman:
I'll never know the how's and why's I lost my heart to Hazel Eyes
But when I got that long sought kiss I knew I'd found my Perfect Miss
My elfin girl from down the lane And I'll never let her go again
7. Hazel Green by Odo Hirsch:
"The children," said Hazel." 'Adults here don't know anything about what it's like to grow up.'
8. The Lady in the Lake by Sir Walter Scott:
"The stag at eve had drunk his fill, Where danced the moon on Monan's rill,
And deep his midnight lair had made In lone Glenartney's hazel shade...."
9. Two years three months and eternity on Hazel's Poems ©2006 Barbara Allen:
Hazel, my princess you were there... I saw you waiting for the others in a circle patiently, quietly
10. Flower Fairies of the Autumn, The Song of the Hazelnut Fairy:
Slowly, slowly while I watched them well
See, my nuts have ripened; now I've news to tell
11. The honeysuckle and the hazel tree: medieval stories of men and women:
Tristan and Iseut were together briefly thanks to Tristan's inscription of his name on a branch of a hazel tree...
12. Genesis 30:37, King James Version of the Bible:
And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chestnut tree; and pilled white streaks in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods.
13. Hazel tells Lavernne by Katharyn Machan:
Last night I was cleaning out my howard johnsons ladies room when all of a sudden up pops this frog...
This post is linked with Thursday Thirteen


anthonynorth said…
It's obviously a popular word. Enjoyed the list :-)
Unknown said…
Very interesting. Happy St Patty's Day!
Hazel said…
Why does Patty sound like something edible to me right now? Happy St Patty's Day to you too, Adelle.

Anthony, glad you enjoyed it :)
CountryDew said…
I have hazel eyes, or so I am told. I have always thought it a funny word for my eye color.
Hazel said…
Now you might relate with 5 and 6 :)
I am Harriet said…
Hey- I named my dog Hazel. It must be a great name :)

Enjoy your Thursday!
Hazel said…
It is. I'm actually loving it :) (not Mcdonald, but Hazel)
Alice Audrey said…
It seems so sad to me when grown ups forget what it was like to be a kid.
Unknown said…
Dear Hazel!

Your blog is so beautiful! Could you share me how to do it?

Please kindly visit to our blog:

Thanks and best regards,

Viet Hoang Tuan
Maude Lynn said…
How clever!
Shelley Munro said…
An interesting TT. Hazel was my mother's second name.

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