Musical Monday: I'll Play For You by Seals and Crofts
Monday Mayhem follows
To Xmas Dolly, Lorie, Larry and Callie: thanks for putting me on the Spotlight Dance today. I have two left feet but fortunate to have no other pairs of eyes in my apartment, so dance I will!
Don't I just like freebies on Mondays! :) I get to feature old songs. They remind me of times when dinners in Asia were NOT eaten at the computer facing someone on Skype eating breakfast in Central Europe.
This post is linked with:
XmasDolly of XmasDolly, Lori of Shewbridges of Central Florida, Larry of Cakeblast, and Callie of JAmerican Spice

Monday Mayhem follows
To Xmas Dolly, Lorie, Larry and Callie: thanks for putting me on the Spotlight Dance today. I have two left feet but fortunate to have no other pairs of eyes in my apartment, so dance I will!
Don't I just like freebies on Mondays! :) I get to feature old songs. They remind me of times when dinners in Asia were NOT eaten at the computer facing someone on Skype eating breakfast in Central Europe.
This post is linked with:
Amanda @ Bloggin with Amanda

XmasDolly of XmasDolly, Lori of Shewbridges of Central Florida, Larry of Cakeblast, and Callie of JAmerican Spice
Denise @ Run DMT hosts Music Monday Blog Hop

Q1. Do you think Donald Trump has a chance at becoming President of the US?
He can then funnel his wealth into education / research useful to humanity. Nice thought to enjoy.
Q2. What's the best way to pile on the calories?
Don't think. Just eat away.
Q3. What's the best way to burn those calories?
Try the stairs from the ground to say, the ninth floor for a week. No cheating. Don't pass out before you
Meet Stumpy -
Meet Stumpy -
Harriet hosts Monday Mayhem
Dancing Crazy - It's Friday...wait! It's MMMM
I like the Seals and Croft song, it's been awhile since I heard it. And the little duckie is a cutie with its extras..
~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
Check out...
Monday's Blog Hop post!
Good Lord. Donald Trump for president?! No way. When his golden pigs fly. That four-legged duck is about as wacky as Donald Trump for president. I guess anything is possible.
Thanks for the MM shout-out! :-)
That spolight sounds pretty cool- congrats :)
Very nice choices. My first time hearing this I'll play for you.