Relying almost entirely on milk and unless starving, CJ doesn't eat. So when I witness moments like this, I feel relieved. His recent snack choice is kechup or soy sauce. To make him eat something healthy I try these strategies simultaneously: coax, beg, threaten, set an example by eating the food myself or bribe.
"I'll let you play all you want with Winnie the Pooh, Lion King and Mickey Mouse if you eat," goes the motivating factor behind this episode. Ibbity-Bobbity Boo! a little mouth opens wide.

For a picky eater, this bite looks big enough to last him til the next snack time.
Maybe you're right - he just wants to piss me off. It both annoys and amuses me :-)
Mommy Moments
I must be this guilty beating myself up this way hahah... I'm working hard on forgiving myself and hoping I'll be able to make it up to CJ in time.
Kim, patience is a virtue I'm practising on :) Thanks for the input.
let us just keep offering healthy food as an option...