1 University of Sheffield
Rerum cognoscere causas
To discover the causes of things
2 University of Leeds
Et augibitur scientia
Knowledge will be increased
3 University of Manchester
Cognitio, Sapentia, Humanitas
Knowledge, Wisdon, Humanity
4 University of Birmingham
Per Adua Ad Alta
Through efforts to high things
5 University of Southampton
Strenuis Ardua Cedunt
The heights yeild to endeavor
6 University of Nottingham
Sapentia urbs conditur
A city is built on wisdom
7 University of Bristol
Vim promovet insitam
Learning promotes one's innate power
8 University of Glasgow
Via Veritas vita
The way, the truth, the life
9 University of Liverpool
Haec otia studia fovent
These days of peace foster learning
10 University College London, University of London
Cuncti adsint meritaeque expectent praemia palmae
Let all come who by merit deserve the most reward
11 University of Cardiff
Gwirionedd Undod A chytgord
Truth Unity Harmony
12 University of Oxford
Dominos Illuminatio Mea
The Lord is my light
13 University of Cambridge
Hinc Lucem et pocola sacra
From here light and sacred draughts
My post is here
13 People I Answered To
My Thursday Thirteen is posted now...if you'd like to stop by...it's 13 'plays on words' that make you wonder....stop by if you have a chance. Click Here Then, scroll down below my Thursday Thunks Meme....Have a great day.
And with a very interesting post
Happy TT!!
my post is up!
Happy Christmas!
Hugs and blessings,
I hope you'll visit my Thursday Thirteens at The Cafe & The Library.