Then Sings My Soul Saturday: Great is Thy Faithfulness
Please scroll down for Small Talk Six
A quick google search leads me to a brief background of one of christianity's greatest hymns penned by Thomas Chisolm: Great is Thy Faithfulness lyrics are based on a text by Jeremiah, "... My soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. '" (Lamentations 3:19-24).
Head over to Signs, Miracles and Wonders for more music
1. My five year -old has discovered a new toy: the kitchen knife. And he loves to hold it while jumping up and down a chair. He is also ready to fight it out if I took it away from him. Only an hour ago I had to slice veggies in the bathroom so he couldn't see the knife and start playing with it again.
2. He drew dinosaurs on the margins of my conference paper, turtles on my reference books and crocs on important receipts. His sketch pad lies empty.
3. Bathtime? No. Toothbrush? No.
4. He experimented with the TV and DVD player remotes. Read: dismantled, destroyed.
5. Because of the now useless TV and DVD player, he has to use the computer for his viewing pleasure and does it only when it's my turn at the gadget.
6. He explored knot-tying on where else but my stuff. Yesterday I almost ended up at work with my bathrobe belt tied to the strap of my purse.
God, SOS!
Please scroll down for Small Talk Six
A quick google search leads me to a brief background of one of christianity's greatest hymns penned by Thomas Chisolm: Great is Thy Faithfulness lyrics are based on a text by Jeremiah, "... My soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. '" (Lamentations 3:19-24).
Isn't Jeremiah the weepy guy? I vaguely remember that. Well, I'm not the crying type but I know my issues and this hymn just makes me feel like everything's going to be all right. I love the optimism on "bright hope for tomorrow."
Amy hosts
Head over to Signs, Miracles and Wonders for more music
Small Talk Six: 6 Ways Your Children Tested You This Week
Please scroll up for Then Sings My Soul Saturday
1. My five year -old has discovered a new toy: the kitchen knife. And he loves to hold it while jumping up and down a chair. He is also ready to fight it out if I took it away from him. Only an hour ago I had to slice veggies in the bathroom so he couldn't see the knife and start playing with it again.
2. He drew dinosaurs on the margins of my conference paper, turtles on my reference books and crocs on important receipts. His sketch pad lies empty.
3. Bathtime? No. Toothbrush? No.
4. He experimented with the TV and DVD player remotes. Read: dismantled, destroyed.
5. Because of the now useless TV and DVD player, he has to use the computer for his viewing pleasure and does it only when it's my turn at the gadget.
6. He explored knot-tying on where else but my stuff. Yesterday I almost ended up at work with my bathrobe belt tied to the strap of my purse.
God, SOS!
KarenC hosts
Head over to Momdot for more small talk
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Yes, that is a beautiful song and it carries a beautiful message! I hadn't known that it was written from Jeremiah's verses.
You should be either helping or wishing me luck, Thom lol!
Hang in there.
Have a great Saturday!
Thanks for the background on the song! Jeremiah is an anointed prophet that inspires us with HOPE! He beckons us to repent and change. He reminds us of God's plan and love for us especially His faithfulness! I'm so glad you found the optimism in this great hymn.
May you grab hold of bright hope for tomorrow! (especially after I
breezed through your Small Talk Six, praying for the victory over those tests of your wee ones & their safety & your patience)!
Thanks for your TSMSS visit...enJOY
Harriet, lucky you
Thanks, Cathy
I appreciate the additional info, Peggy. Thank you.
Linda, mine too
Daenel, the game I'm playing now is knife-hiding at all times