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Friday's fave five: Showers to the soul

View more FFF participants at Living to Tell the Story

It's been a lovely week. These are my faves:

1. A blossom and rainy afternoons. Everytime it rains and I'm alone in my room, I am reminded of home. My parents and I would gather in the living room to chat and play scrabble. Our audience are our cats and dogs. The one who loses in the game prepares the snack which usually consists of either popcorn or boiled banana with lemonade or hot chocolate. I don't have those now. But I still get rainy afternoons that bring me back cozy memories. On my way to work this week I found something that resembles the origin of those banana snacks long ago:

2. Hair Saloon. I haven't been to the saloon in a few weeks although it's part of my weekly routine. I love how light my hair feels on my head everytime I get my hair professionally shampooed and ironed.

3. Errands done in one go. Mozart, my 6-year old is spending indefinite vacation with grandma in the Philippines. Each month I send him his allowance. To do that I have to go to the bank. That and paying the phone and internet bills are something I don't get accomplished in one go and it's getting really tiresome. Recently I found a bank located along the same route as the ISP office and the mall where I pay my phone bill. That's quite a relief!

4. Three free days and I spent them all indoors despite earlier plans to peek at some malls. I am proud of chores done: toppled 50% of the perrenial laundry, disinfected the bathroom and scrubbed the porch. The Jackson memorial made me realize it was my first time to cry since 2005. Alfred Austin says tears are the summer showers to the soul. I think that was the biggest benefit of my staycation.

5. Lots of mushroom and cheese in my spaghetti. I made this while blogging. The best part is my son helped me eat it.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


What a beautiful flower! I think it's nice to have such happy memories of your childhood.
Anonymous said…
Wow that spaghetti looks great! Sounds like you got A LOT done during your three free days! :)
Jacris said…
Hi again thank you for adding me in your blogroll list.I really do appreciate it I will add ur links also have a lovely weekend =)
Suburban Girl said…
A lovely week...nothing to complain about there!
Anya said…
I love the spaghetti,
I think i go make it now :)
Enjoy your free days ....
hugs to all
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
Susanne said…
I have to say I have never heard of boiled banana. Sounds interesting.

It's always great to have a few days off and accomplish what you wanted to get done. And yay for finding a bank closer so that you can get everything done together.
Karyn said…
happy memories from childhood are always a blessing. Salon visits are good for making you feel beautiful - always worthy of a blessing list - glad you got to go again.

Wow! first time you cried in 4 years?! That's amazing. Hope the tears you cried this week were cleansing.
Jerralea said…
I love going to the salon, too. I always think I need a new lipstick if I get my hair done!

I love days at home catching up on projects. Glad you got to enjoy three of them.
nikkipolani said…
Hmmm. Boiled banana -- with anything else? Your rainy afternoons sounded lovely. And isn't it wonderful to find an easy way to pay bills?
Chris said…
happy friday!

got an award for you at
Barbara H. said…
I love finding ways of consolidating tasks and days at home to get lots done. What a neat childhood memory!
Willow said…
Lovely childhood memory. Scrabble and rain.

I love consolidating errands and chores! I'm glad you found ways to do both.

Have a great weekend.
Jennifer said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love the pictures!
Pamela said…
What a great list - it's interesting to see how different things are in our two parts of the world.

I hope Mozart enjoys his vacation!

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