Cj met my parents the first time on webcam. I was happy to witness the look on their faces. They were first time grandparents. It was 2004. I could not go home because I was in the middle of gradschool. The plan was that my parents were coming to Bangkok for Cj's first birthday in May the next year. I was looking forward to our meeting. Then in January 2005 my father had a massive coronary. I had to change plans.
Note: I have to edit my ex-FIL's cause of death. This morning I wrote car accident. Tonite I remembered it was leukemia. It was ex-MIL who figured in a car accident a month after the funeral. Sorry for the mix-up.
Things happened so drastically I didn't know what hit me. With my divorce raging, the pain of losing a father and the pressures of gradschool, I found myself running back home with my son. I've never appreciated my mother more than that time I had no one to turn to. I took this picture of them at Holy Garden Matutum Memorial Park months after the burial. I call this moment Cj's spiritual bonding with his grandpa.
Note: I have to edit my ex-FIL's cause of death. This morning I wrote car accident. Tonite I remembered it was leukemia. It was ex-MIL who figured in a car accident a month after the funeral. Sorry for the mix-up.
What do u do? Are you teaching there?
are u married to a khun Thai? sorry I have a lot of questions.
We're here in the south of Thailand, hope we can continually connect.
Here's my link:
my share:
and nice family shots :))
( Do not laugh,
I wear now a white t'shirt with Garfield on it...LOL
Is not age-related) ;)
Have a GREAT weekend :)
it's good your son and you still have a grandmother and a mother with you.