The first time such an expression was directed at me was when a cyber acquaintance said "your top is over the top:
I told him, "not to me." I knew he meant the collar. It must have made me look like an odd reincarnation of a Henry IV-era woman. But then he's not a south-east asian blood trying to keep warm in low temperature. The fabric of this top was even ill-prepared against the Windsor cold.
And now I'm getting an Over the top award for my blog. First my top and now my blog? Lol!
Anyway, here's a remark about this award: To receive this award your blog must be exceptional in design and content; presenting us with new knowledge, a sense of style, or at times just giving us a smile! (I hope I did at least something on the smile part)
Each recipient of the award will acknowledge the person who honored them with the award and then go to to copy/paste the award: Your Blog is Over The Top. (located on the right sidebar, scroll down).
I want to thank Genebei, and I hope Sassy Mom hasn't had this award yet because I'm passing this to her :-)
Thanks for posting sis...