1. What is your favorite written work of horror fiction?
~ The Hound of the Baskerville
2. What is your favorite work of science fiction/fantasy?
~ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
3. Who is your favorite monster?
~ Frankenstein (which is basically incorrect because Frankenstein is the creator of the monster, not the monster himself. Apologies to Victor; and Mary is dead can't comment on this pop culture mistake)
4. What is your favorite Horror movie?
~ Friday the 13th but any good scare is a fave
5. What horror movie gives you the most chills?
~ The Exorcist
6. What character from any horror film would you most like to play?
~ the character who survives in any horror film
7. Freddy or Jason?
~ no idea
8. What is your favorite Halloween treat?
~ it depends upon what I find in the mall
9. Ghosts or goblins?
~ ghosts
10. Friendly-faced jack-o'-lantern or scary one?
~ friendly
11. What is your scariest encounter with the paranormal?
~ I was awakened by the light turned on inside the bedroom. When I checked my watch it was 3 AM. The house has been known to have some 'activity.' Still, I didn't think it was really scary, just unusual until I remembered that 3 AM was known as the devils' hour; the end of witching hour....
12. Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
~ yes, I don't need to pretend I'm not scared to be convinced that they exist or worse, see them
13. Would you rather be a zombie, alien, or psycho?
~ alien
14. Favorite Halloween costume?
~ mummy costume; saw it and thought it's interesting
15. Best thing about Halloween?
~ hanging out in the cemetery with friends and loads of food, playing board games (I'm talking of the Philippine version of halloween)
16. Person in your family who most likes Halloween (not counting yourself)?
~ none
17. Are you superstitious?
~ only during halloween
18. Share an unusual Halloween story.
~ pass
19. What did you do for Halloween as a kid?
~ my family didn't celebrate. the closest thing to it that I did was read halloween stories and watch what it's like on TV.
20. What's the best Halloween party that you've attended?
~ I've never attended any; almost attended one in some hotel but thought I didn't want to be in a crowd in the dark
Happy Sunday Stealing!
Oh well....I HAD Fun!! Come on over and sit a 'spell'!!! Come visit my Sunday Stealing...it's bewitching for sure. LOLOLOL
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Have a great Sunday!
I remember those days during halloween in Philippines- its like partyville in the cemetery each year.
Well, have a great week.