On the night of Cj's second birthday, his second cousins (my first cousin's kids) came over for a slumber party with us at home. Or it was just them because I sleep so well when I'm in Pinas I am useless when it comes to slumber parties. While waiting for dinner Cj's cousins had nothing to do and thought it fun to mess up his face with icing:
The mess on the following shot may be inconspicuous but it's Cj's messiest moment so far. He was evading bath like an adult evading taxes. Yaya was chasing him around. With hair unkempt and a shirt that needs changing, he's ready to run again:
Happy weekend!!!
The first shot is
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooow :)
I have also many shots from dirty faces from my girls ..... LOL
Its no mess its FANTASTIC ^__^
but just look at how cute he is, it just melts your heart!
Happy Mommy Moments!!Have a great weekend!!^_^
hope you can light a candle here as well http://kcelebration.blogspot.com/2009/08/light-candle-for-corazon-aquino.html